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AMA District 36 Family Enduro

2021 Coyote Creek Family Sprint Enduro

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Summary Placements in Overalls and Class w/Points Earned if Applicable
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Overall - Check-by-Check Score by Place
D36FamE#Bike#Rider NameClubSponsorsBrandClassTestsTotal
1116M68Jake Evans  HUSB Sport/Vet91:00:12.215
2119Z72Zaio DemarcoRICHMOND RAMBLERS YAMBoys 13-1591:00:20.309
3281V53William Rigsby  HUSA Sport/Vet91:02:37.182
4220F50Brian Nute  KTMA Sen/Mas91:05:18.296
51200458Mike Ruhstorfer  KTMA Sen/Mas91:07:21.832
6688H60Mikey Bostwick  KTMA Sport/Vet91:08:16.546
718V31Timber Scott  KTMB Sen/Mas91:09:45.490
8232H37Vern Booth  HUSA Sen/Mas91:12:59.719
9200F34Leland Yee  C Sen91:13:15.848
10415B19Nicole Lulis JASON!HUSB Sen/Mas91:15:38.077
11218V29Braxton Hughart Stockton Powersports, FloVision, Mika MetalsYAMBoys 10-1291:15:59.738
12480S55Tyson Lewis  KTMC Sen91:16:44.264
13572H71Eric KrimmCERA HONC Sup Sen91:16:48.926
14252H17Jason Lulis Mach 1 MotorsportsHUSA Sen/Mas91:16:50.214
1559X75Kyle Goodfellow 707KTMC 25091:17:29.666
16777L18Leed Lulis Mach 1 Motorsports, Fly racing, Motion ProKTMBoys 10-1291:17:33.317
171200242Andrew Maclean  BETC Open91:17:57.444
18192W30Jacob Mendonsa  BETC Sen91:18:12.040
191205548Kai Rehbinder  KAWC 20091:18:31.398
20191W32Brody Mendonsa  KTMBoys 13-1591:19:44.464
21148X35Alan Bell  KTMC Masters91:20:36.447
220910343Boyea Termansen  YAMC 25091:21:47.852
23199S59Austin Hardwick  KTMC Vet91:22:07.122
247T16Ron McdonellNORTH BAY MC707 SuspensionKTMA Sen/Mas91:23:46.170
25172A33Aaron Ofsiany Sports Basement, MX1 WestBETC Sup Sen91:24:14.928
26101F49Charlie Nute MCMA, DunlopHUSGirls 10-1291:24:24.756
27141G27Kirk MatozaVCMCMatoza Family RacingHUSC Sup Sen91:25:03.519
280907145Bryson Termansen  YAMBoys 13-1591:25:29.039
29125W26Kieran Colliard  YAMC 25091:25:32.327
301205657Lauren Ruhstorfer  YAMB Woman91:25:44.404
31117L83Vaughn Schuyler  KTMBoys 10-1291:26:09.607
3225T20Leo McdonellNORTH BAY MCSouth Bay moto performanceBoys 10-1291:26:39.378
33207G28Jack MatozaVCMCMatoza Family RacingYAMBoys 13-1591:27:01.513
34226M61Jeff Johnson  BETC Vet91:28:20.696
35150Y62Tosha Mcglothin  YAMB Woman91:32:59.757
36107V10Mason Whitworth  KAWBoys 13-1591:37:48.211
37345F25Keith SederNBMC KTMC Sen91:38:01.448
38205Y54Jennifer Schreck  YAMB Woman91:40:09.815
3960X76Mike Goodfellow  KTMC Sen91:40:40.336
40343F24Collin Seder Mom & DadKAWBoys 10-1291:40:51.841
41106W39Adam Turpin  KTMC Vet91:42:12.366
42226F84Craig Lewis  KTMC Sup Sen91:43:13.529
43366Y67Rose Wohn  BETWomen91:43:33.036
44138A82Nick Firth  KTMC Sup Sen91:44:03.933
45105W40Ryder Turpin  KTMBoys 10-1291:44:20.288
46367G69Spencer Wohn  HUSC Vet91:44:58.760
47111Q3Brayden Stowe Stowe's cycleYAMC 25091:47:46.190
48 52Louis Sachse  GGC Vet91:52:35.199
49137L85Havanna Schuyler  KAWGirls 13-1591:52:42.132
50247G70Taylor Wohn  KAWPeeWee 7-991:56:27.032
511200556Steve Heredia  HUSB Sport/Vet91:59:32.615
52137E64Hayley Fleming  KAWGirls 10-1292:03:04.600
53213G5Justin Quevedo  YAMC 25092:07:04.534
54212G6Kobi Quevedo  KAWC 25092:08:04.843
55416G1Mike Pugh Stowes Cycle of WoodlandKTMC Sup Sen92:18:05.373
56421E63Chris Fleming  KTMC Vet92:18:26.165
571205111Oscar Gonzalez Sr.  HONC Sen92:19:08.371
58139A81Ollie Firth  KAWBoys 10-1292:22:14.365
591205214Oscar Gonzalez Jr.  HONBoys 13-1592:24:26.937
60169S21Zech Swerkes First Statewide RealtyBETC Vet92:38:43.182
61125A79Liam Reynolds  HONBoys 10-1292:39:13.414
62126A80Ian Reynolds  KTMC Sen92:42:43.293
63156A8Jim Whitworth  KTMC Vet92:49:32.577
64226Y2Chelsea Pugh Stowes CyclesKTMWomen92:52:15.887
65107A36Enzo Cioni Munroe MotorsHONBoys 10-1281:55:07.157
66340X22Victor Mills  HUSB Sport/Vet82:05:21.491
670910113Lucas Farmer  KTMC Open60:49:37.061
681200112Gabriel Farmer  KTMC Open61:25:12.587
69458V51Dylann Sachse  KTMGirls 10-1261:28:14.238
70157A9Ayden Whitworth  KTMBoys 10-1251:58:36.131
71392X44Ray Halliday  HONC Vet52:42:02.776
720910478Frank Czyz  KAWBoys 10-1240:54:26.984
73387X46Wyatt Halliday  HONBoys 10-1241:49:08.252
74139K7Lance Doyle  KTMC Sup Sen30:41:49.411
75341K77Kellen GoodfellowPDMCDadHUSC 20030:48:55.071
76484X4John DavisTIMEKEEPERS KTMB Sen/Mas30:58:51.819
77341D15Kendall DeegTIMEKEEPERS MCFaultline Powersports, DadKTMWomen31:00:39.625
78148S74Eugene Sheliepov  KTMC Vet31:05:26.282
79147S73Mark Sheliepov  KTMPeeWee 7-931:06:23.538
80134Y47Francesca Garofani  BETWomen31:40:03.033
811205323Jayelyn Bright  KTMGirls 13-1531:45:23.934
82152E65Christopher Fleming  KTMPeeWee 7-910:15:06.340
83109R41Bryan Keith H Romero  KTMC Sen10:15:37.073
84110M38Connor Romero  YAMPeeWee 7-910:23:56.764
DNF399B Stephen EnfieldTRUCKEE DIRT RIDERS KTMC Sup Sen00:00:00.000
DNF  Joe Zobairi  KTMA Sen/Mas00:00:00.000
DNF  Joe Cioni Munroe MotorsHUSC Sup Sen00:00:00.000
DNF  Kristopher DuarteRuts Central Coast650, kamala harris, vidal sassoonHUSC Vet00:00:00.000

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