Bonneville Off-Road Racing

2024 Vernal Dinosaur Dash

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Overall PRO - Cumulative Race Times by Place
PlaceRider#BOR#Rider NameSponsorsClassChk 1Chk 2Chk 3Chk 4Chk 5Chk 6Chk 7Chk 8
144 Bill Apgood Pro Truck/Buggy0:28:17 (8)0:53:36 (6)1:15:58 (3)1:38:10 (1)2:01:03 (1)2:24:25 (1)2:48:14 (1)3:11:11 (1)
2T969 Rex Hanson Pro UTV Turbo0:24:09 (2)0:49:01 (1)1:14:22 (1)1:40:02 (2)2:05:37 (3)2:30:53 (3)2:56:03 (3)3:21:00 (2)
3T963 Chad Ingram Pro UTV Turbo0:26:01 (4)0:50:58 (3)1:15:35 (2)1:40:25 (3)2:05:20 (2)2:30:31 (2)2:55:48 (2)3:21:04 (3)
41204 Pat Ellis Pro Truck/Buggy0:26:05 (5)0:51:54 (5)1:17:55 (5)1:43:49 (4)2:09:33 (4)2:35:30 (4)3:00:37 (4)3:25:27 (4)
51932 Matt Bell Pro Lmtd Buggy0:29:36 (9)0:55:27 (7)1:20:38 (6)1:45:27 (5)2:10:17 (5)2:36:23 (5)3:01:38 (5)3:26:53 (5)
67141 James Burman Pro Truck/Buggy0:26:07 (6)0:51:16 (4)1:16:13 (4)1:48:52 (6)2:14:03 (6)2:39:25 (6)3:10:16 (6)3:35:49 (6)
7T908 Oscar Indreland Pro UTV Turbo0:36:17 (10)1:03:58 (9)1:29:13 (8)1:54:15 (7)2:20:47 (7)2:46:13 (7)3:12:13 (7)3:38:14 (7)
8K966 Maverick Gibbons Pro UTV NA0:25:45 (3)1:08:18 (11)1:33:47 (9)1:59:19 (9)2:24:51 (9)2:54:56 (8)3:21:48 (8)3:49:17 (8)
9539 Doug Guernsey Pro Lmtd Buggy0:40:58 (11)1:07:39 (10)1:34:31 (10)2:02:49 (10)2:30:17 (10)2:58:02 (10)3:24:14 (10)3:49:37 (9)
104401 Toby Harvey Pro Truck/Buggy0:27:17 (7)0:59:59 (8)1:28:42 (7)1:55:39 (8)2:22:21 (8)2:57:06 (9)3:23:20 (9)3:49:48 (10)
11T912 Jennie Symons Pro UTV Turbo0:23:58 (1)0:50:14 (2)2:11:36 (11)2:36:39 (11)3:02:04 (11)3:26:51 (11)3:52:13 (11)4:16:28 (11)

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